What is the Best Linux OS for Old Computers Best Lightweight Linux Distro. Img_thumb800.png?version=5%2E0' alt='Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distro' title='Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distro' />Picking the Best Linux OS for Old Computers. A lightweight Linux operating system or distro short for distribution can breathe new life into an old computer or make a newer one even snappier and more responsive. Dozens of these operating systems are available, but many of them are very barebones, outdated or potentially unstable. Testing Cylinder Heads For Cracks In Corner. Of these options, three stand out as the only ones with advanced features packed into one lean download. Unlike most other lightweight Linux operating systems, these three all include Linux kernel 2. Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distro' title='Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distro' />GTK 2. They are all out of beta, have an ongoing releaseupdate schedule, are smaller than a CD 7. MB and most importantly receive generally positive reviews. Primary differences between these three are their initial download size, the packages available to them, the lightweight window manager and desktop environment used within the system, and the user community surrounding each to help new users make the transition. Read on to find the best overall, best Debian based and best RPM based distro. The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide. Getting you started with Linux the easy way since 2001. The program we downloaded allows you to create bootable Live USB drives. Its extremely simple to use. Numbered steps match arrows on images 1. Insert your USB and. Compares Linux distributions major, minor, regional in simple table format. Information such as price, support, documentation, included packages. Home, overview and getting started with Puppy Linux, amazingly fast, fascinatingly complete and delightfully small Linux. Revive-an-Old-Computer-with-Linux-Step-5.jpg/aid319954-v4-728px-Revive-an-Old-Computer-with-Linux-Step-5.jpg' alt='Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distros' title='Install Puppy Linux Live Usb Distros' />There are thousand of Linux Distro available on the internet. This article helps you to choose the best Linux distro for Laptop.