Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download

Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download

Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download 3,6/5 9439votes

Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download' title='Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download' />Sudo aptget install php5 php5common php5cli php5dev php5mysql phpmyadmin php5pgsql phppgadmin php5gd php5mcrypt php5curl phppear libapache2modphp5 php5. Lyberty. coms weeklymonthly splash page. Yes, a splash page is old fashioned, but its been a tradition here since 1999. How to build the PHP rrdtool extension by hand Pingback IONCANNON PHP RRDTool tutorial. Scott November 22, 2006 at 434 pm. No package fontpachagesfilesystem. Free image gallery help Howtos and FAQThe numbers of the howtos are the order I have created them. I simply could not change them because there are deeplinks from older TWG installs to this page. I have ordered each section how I think how important the howto is. Security Optimization  Integration of TWG Random image  Installation Advanced Setup help  Overview and thumbnail page settings Detail page settings Big navigation settings Video Global stuff Layout and colors FAQ questions problems Summary Howto. Because TWG does not have any database a lot of extra configuration can be done by simpy creating a file in a folder which then are used e. U2RZOkz7Tn4/WCeYXbC5KZI/AAAAAAAABog/e977lvsVWIsbWYka7qqWv-PUyahk5-NoACLcB/s1600/sublime.png' alt='Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download' title='Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download' />Apt Get Install Gd Freetype DownloadThis howto is a a short summary what you can do a better description is always in the real how tos private. The filename can and should be changed in the config. Description of a folder that is shown on the thumbnail and if enabled on the image page see how to 7image. The display name of the folder is used instead the name on the file system. Very helpful for individual sorting of albumsAjax demo see how to 3. The watermark text see how to 1. The watermark image for the image view original see how to 1. You can add a link back to e. If this file exists you get a home link or icon in the left upper corner You can define the text in the language file langbacklink. If this is not set an icon is shownLink to a remote http directory. The url has to start with http and end with a and link directly where the pictures are. For images relative folders are supported as well check how to 2. The background image of the folder where it is stored in check how to 2. The archive where a whole directory can be downloaded check how to 1. Update Sep 2014. Pillow is a more modern fork of PIL. Private. txt protect your gallery The filename can and should be changed in the config. A header file that is included the html in there is already in included in a lt td lt td check how to 3 footer. A footer file that is included the html in there is already in included in a lt td lt td check how to 3 left. A file that is included on the leftright you can put your navigation there the html in there is already in included in a lt td lt td check how to 3 overview. Simply create a file called menu. Please note The files do NOT exist yet. You have to create them and place them in the described folder. Please use the html representation in the. Since TWG 1. 6 Please store all your text files in UTF 8 Then special characters are displayed properly Thats it Have funHow to secure your TWG data. If you install TWG like the installation site says it is working on all systems very quickly. TWG itself is secured against external attacks like cross site scripting because all input parameters are checked and only valid data is processed. But your data like captions, comments, counter can be read if you know the filenames which is not a real problem because the text is shown on the website anyway. I have included some index. But if you want to protect your data to be read you should continue to read. Most of this settings 3 6 are for the advanced features and can be done if you use them Delete info. You get even more information in the administration if you have access there. Use the. htaccess file in the htaccess. TWG. This prevents that xml and txt files can be accessed from the web directly. Feel free to add more extensions there. If you cannot use a. Nobody has to read this directories from outside. Set the cache directory with chmod to 7. The cache directory has to be accessible from everywhere but not to be listedDont place a. TWG does link directly to this folder If you use private folders If you use private folders you should use the. Apache web server. All files starting with. You can use any extension where your web server does not display the files If you use private folders or disable the download of the images and you want 1. Set the pictures folder and all sub folders to 7. OR you place a. htaccess file in this folder. Use the one from the inc folder. It does not allow any access from the web. If you want to protect the images in the cache folder as well you have to set disabledirectthumbsaccesstrue and usedirectsmallfalse Then you can protect the cache folder like the pictures folder. If you use e mail notification Make sure that e mail encryption is turned on in the config. This is NOT the default. Please change the encryption key encryptemailskey. If you leave it like it is, anyone who is downloading TWG with this default key can decrypt your emails by debugging TWGIf you use the external login Make sure that the external login is disabled in the config. This is the default. Only turn this on if you need it and if you use encrypted passwords Set the flag encryptpasswords to true. Free Sheet Metal Cad Software. Choose the encryption method SHA1 or SHA2. SHA1 is enough but you have to have PHP 4. SHA2. 56 from TWG is used. Call the password. You have to enter this password either in your private. Use the encrypted password only for privatepassword the other ones are not encrypted if you set encryptpasswords to trueThats it. If you have found some more settings to make TWG more save please let me know. How to include TWG into php sites or a cms system like mambo, phpnuke. It is now possible to integrate TWG into existing php sites in different ways You could include TWG by using an extra frame or an iframe. If you want to do this please check the exampleiframeinclude. This is the way that works for sure. All browser handle iframe include a little bit different and I want to tell you the problems that can show up If you include TWG in an iframe its normally shown very nice in Firefox 1. Opera 8. x, 9. x and Safari. You can simply use e. TWG in a table cell of you page. Scrollbars are shown nice and work well. Check your gallery now. If its displaying fine in all browsers dont continue to read because it might only confuses you. I like to have it perfect. If you like it too continue to read. Dont use header. IE does sometimes not render this properly. Normally this is not needed because when using iframe include your content should be places outside the iframe. The problems does occur with IE 6. For an optimal integration only scrollbars should be shown if they are really needed. And here IE has a problem. He reserves the space for the scrollbar and this is not very nice. And here is the tradeoff You can force IE to either. Reserve the scrollbar area in the background color of your site and handle scrolling very nice. Dont reserve the scrollbar area but then the scrolling is not really working anymore because the content is not updated and only a blank area is shown. But there are solutions If you have setup your gallery that everything detail page top x. Add scrollingno to your iframe this is the easiest way and if look optimal in all browsers If you want that your iframe can scroll properly and everything looks perfect you have to do the following Set iframe include to false iframeinclude in the myconfig. The color of the reserved space could be different and can be seen. Set the following styles in your mystyle. Dont use a background image inside TWG set allowtransparencytrue in your iframe and use the background of your site because you cannot set the color of the reserved space seperately.

Apt Get Install Gd Freetype Download
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