Genesis 3612 And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esaus son and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek these were the sons of Adah Esaus wife. Amaleks descedents are without exception without the possibility of redemption because there is no repentance in them. They are wholly and totally the spiritual seed of the serpent Satan. They are the worst part of Edom. They will never receive the gospel of Yeshua. This may seem harsh and unbelievable if you are not a Torah based believer in Yeshua. But bible believing Christians need to wake up. Because as Israel comes together her ancient enemies begin to crawl out from the woodwork and do their evil deeds. During much of the church age a lot of Israels enemies were like a cancer in remission. Now they are rising up like a boil filled with puss. This stuff is real and we have to deal with it. Spiritual Israel, the congregation of Israel, called the Church Adat Israel has spiritual enemies but physical Israel has physical enemies. These physical and spiritual enemies are two sides of the same satanic seed line. We have spiritual principalities to deal with, but we also have men on the ground and evil bloodlines. The Muslim Arabs and Ishmaelites that plot Israels destruction are bad enough but Amalek is far far craftier. All the subtlety of the serpent is in him and all his venom. As the physical nation of Israel begins to rise Amalek takes aim in utter defiance of the Lord God of Heaven. The NAZIs have not died off nor repented. They are waiting like a serpent to strike. And their lair is not only in Germany but now in the CIA and military industrial complex of America. Many of the Muslim terror groups have been trained by the CIA. There may be well meaning folks within the CIA and military but there is a snake directing their affairs. They may not be waiving swastikas just yet but their aim is the same. They will play their part in the cosmic struggle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent as the return of the ten lost tribes of Israel draws near. Amalek is called first of the nations Num 2. He is top DOG. Remember he is a descendant of Abraham and Isaac through Edom. Amalek is scientifically and culturally advanced but morally bankrupt. He is totally rejected by our loving heavenly Father. Amalek attacks Israel as they are returning to the land. He attacks from behind. He attacks the weakest of them. He has no fear of God. This is what happened during the Israelite exodus from Egypt and it is the pattern for the future exodus of the lost tribes. The Jews have already felt the bite of this nasty serpent called Amalek during World War 2. Many of the NAZIs were from Amalek. Side Effects Of Cracked Ribs there. These NAZIs were not just a political organization, or an occult association they were also a race, a satanic bloodline And most of them have not paid for their crime. This is not to say that all Germans are from Amalek. Hitlers strongest bastion of support was in Southern Germany in Catholic Bavaria in the town of Munich. Bavaria has a particularly long history of dark occult and deeply paganistic macabre Catholicism with a strong emphasis on death. Thus it should not be surprising that much of the seed of Amalek lurked in those dark Satanic forests. A surprising amount of the NAZI war industry was based in Munich, Bavaria. Munich is one of Germanys major industrial and administrative centres. Among its industries are electrical goods Siemens, cars BMW, lorries MAN, and optical goods AGFA. These are former NAZI corporations. Northern Germany was more the domain of Edom. There may be a great deal of Assyrian blood in Germany too. Being a bible believing Christian in Germany is not easy. The extermination of Israel or Amalek. Iron Cross 1st Class son of HellIsrael and Amalek are diametrically opposite as night is from day. Israel is for God, Torah, Messiah Yeshua. Amalek is Pagan, anti. Torah, Anti Messiah Yeshua. Israel is born of God. Amalek is born of Satan. Ultimately only one of them can inherit the heavens and the earth. Amalek is the head of the Nations Numbers 2. Amalek attacks Israel as they return to the land. The NAZIs are Amalek and they have set their Iron will against the people of God. The Lord God of Israel, the creator of Heaven and Earth has sworn with Iron will that Israel is to have war with Amalek from generation to Generation and to destroy Amalek completely. Iron sharpens Iron, and it will take a holy rod of Iron to beat Amalek. We see this in the birth of the Manchild in Revelation chapter 1. Until that happy day we are at war. Ok, so we know that Israel is to have war upon Amalek from generation to generation and to exterminate the seed of Amalek. And if Israel does not do this then Amalek will do it to Israel. And he has done so and will do so again until he is utterly destroyed. Its that simple. Exodus 1. For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. Israels first human king, King Saul, lost his throne and was rejected by God simply for allowing King Agag the Amalekite to live along with the best of the animals 1 Samuel 1. This illustrates how seriously the Lord views Amalek. Amalek is like our sinful flesh, our evil inclination that ever seeks mastery of a true child of God. We cannot spare Amalek or the carnal natures inclination to evil. We are to put to death the work of the flesh, our lusts etc. Daily reading of the Word of God and prayer is a powerful weapon against the power of the flesh. We see this also in the literal battle that Joshua fought against Amalek. It was only as Moses hands were lifted up that they had victory. That is the daily reading and believing and doing the word of God. The word circumcises us breit melah, covenant of circumcision literally also means covenant of the word. Amalek is really the unclean foreskin of our flesh and the foreskin of humanity. Amalek attacks Israel when they doubt and complain. And our flesh attacks us when we as believers do the same thing. So we have an internal war with Amalek as well as an external war as the nation of Israel. It is the pagan doubt and complaining that even believers are often susceptible to. We need to daily read the word and pray and even fast to keep this flesh at bay. So the Amalekite NAZIs were the rotten unclean foreskin of humanity. Many came from Catholic Occult Bavaria and many of them escaped through the Roman Catholic Ratlines to South America. But they also went far closer to homeMany of the NAZI Amalekites left Germany for America and Australia after World War 2 through Project Paperclip and others. They have ensconced themselves in the Corporate, Finance, Military, Space Programs etc in order to build their own kingdom with Jacobs labour and vow Israels destruction.