How interesting. I had no idea about the bacterial vacuum thing. I dont wash if the egg looks clean but if it is dirty, I usually wash it often before using. Egg irregularities from backyard chickens are very common. The occasional strangelooking egg from a hen is to be expected. Take a picture of it, discuss it at the. EeNMg/UOtABoXeL-I/AAAAAAAAE_g/WuAzU6SOmMM/s1600/Infertile+Egg+1.jpg' alt='Will Eggs Hatch If Cracked Egg' title='Will Eggs Hatch If Cracked Egg' />Well take it one step further and show the tiers we believe we have identified and the species therein. The Data. Our researchers have been collecting egg data for many months and have observed several changes to the egg species distribution. For this study, we focus on eggs acquired after Halloween. Halloween before the launch of Gen II. Here is the breakdown in frequency, by species Findings. The above visual immediately hints at the tiered nature of egg species distribution. Additional analysis leads us to believe that there are four rarity tiers at play, each 2x as common as the one before, which we have named Common. Uncommon. Rare. Ultra Rare. The average hatch rate in each group almost perfectly follows a ratio of 1 2 4 8. The split of Rare and Ultra Rare unfortunately isnt as evident in this graph. However, when combining these two groups, the frequency counts do not seem to follow a binomial distribution. Note 2With the 1 2 4 8 ratio in mind, Silph Researchers examined known periods of changes to egg rarity, to confirm whether the rarity tiers held they do. So which species are in which tierPre Gen II, this breakdown looked like this Rarity Tier. Species. Common Pre Gen II83. Chance to Hatch Each SpeciesUncommon Pre Gen II43. Chance. Rare Pre Gen II23. Chance. Ultra Rare Pre Gen II13. Chance. So What About Now Gen IIThough Gen II has only been live for a few weeks, the Silph Research Group has been hard at work cracking the new rarity tier distribution. At time of publication, we have collected 2,5. Common Uncommon tier species, with a few final ambiguities in the Rare and Ultra Rare tiers. For those curious at how the data is shaping up, however, here is our best guess at this point Rarity Tier. Species. Common. 83. Uncommon. 43. 15 1. Rare. 23. 15 0. Ultra Rare. Parting Words. These rarity tiers represent a major breakthrough in our understanding of egg species, travelers. Not only does this knowledge impact buddy selection criteria e. Dratini is likely to hatch theres now much less need to walk yours, but it helps place far less significance on the 2 km, 5 km, or 1. Best of luck in your egg hatching endeavors, travelers Notes. Note 1 Are eggs still possibly influenced by biome This new information casts new light on previous egg species distribution hypotheses. In our opinion, it is highly unlikely that these large gaps in the frequency counts would appear if our researchers were drawing from clearly distinct distributions. Notably, these gaps are only visible now because of this larger sample size and the fact that dilution from the high volume of PidgeyMagikarpetc. We do not currently believe biome is influencing egg species but more research is neededNote 2 Why are the Rare and Ultra Rare tiers difficult to distinguish Is it possible there are only 3 tiersDespite examining many thousands of eggs in this ongoing research, Rare and Ultra Rare eggs are. Pro Evolution Soccer 3 Pc Ita Download Games. So the sample sizes for these two groups are still much smaller than the more common tiers. As more data pours in, these tiers will become more defined, as the Common and Uncommon tiers are now. As for alternative relative frequencies we have attempted to combine the Rare and Ultra Rare groups. In this case the ratio between the Rare, Uncommon and Common groups would be approximated well by 1 3 6. However the observed frequency counts of the rare group do not seem to follow a binomial distribution. Here is a plot of the sorted cumulative binomial probabilities of the frequency counts of all species in this combined group Rare Ultra Rare Binomial Distribution. These should be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, but instead we have a few extremely high values and many low values. Similar plots for the rare and ultra rare groups under the assumption of four groups show that in this case the cumulative binomial probabilities fit a uniform distribution much better. Ultra Rare Binomial Distribution. Rare Binomial Distribution. Note 3 History of changes to the rarity tiers Over the past several months, the Silph Research Group has observed multiple changes to the egg rarity tiers. Here is a list of known events which disrupted the previous tier distribution Event Effect. Halloween Rattata and Pidgey no longer hatched. These 2 Pokemon belonged to a fifth egg group of very common Pokemon which seems to have hatched in a ratio of 1 2 4 8 1. Unfortunately not enough data is available to confirm the exact ratio apart from the fact that 6 Pokemon hatched significantly more often than the current common ones. The 4 other Pokemon belonging to this group got moved to the common group Weedle, Zubat, Magikarp and Caterpie. Introduction of Baby Pokemon 6 Pokemon stopped hatching Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Electabuzz and Magmar. Six babies replaced them Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Smoochum, Elekid and Magby. The egg group of the evolved form was the same as the current egg group of the baby. A 7th baby Pokemon was added to the rare egg group Togepi. Christmas Event Babies spawn more often This event gave a rare glimpse into Niantic handling a temporary change in spawns for individual eggs. All 7 baby Pokemon changed their egg group from rare or uncommon to common. Post Christmas All 7 baby Pokemon change back to their former egg groups needs confirmation. Valentines Event Spearow and Zubat no longer hatch. All uncommon pink Pokemon hatch as common Pokemon, rare and ultra rare pink Pokemon also appear to hatch more often. All other Pokemon seem to be unchanged in their egg groups. Unknown It is unknown when regional Pokemon stopped hatching. Some very early data non TSR seems to indicate that there has been at least one undocumented change in egg groups between the start of the game and Halloween. Note 4 Anecdotal reports which support this discovery Several unofficial research efforts to learn more about egg species have been conducted by Silph Road travelers outside the Silph Research Group. Notably, the results of these efforts fit this model very well. March 2, 2. 01. 7 1,1. Egg Hatches conducted by ubeaglechu. Despite uncontrolled data collection methods, the trend in this dataset clearly illustrates the large differences in species rarity within 1. January 1. 8, 2. 01. Egg Hatches conducted by upablopang. Once again, uncontrolled data collection, but the vast size of this dataset is useful in demonstrating the 1 2 4 8 rarity tier ratio. Note 5 Which comes first the species or the distance kms Thanks to the unique clarity of species changes during the Christmas event we have gained new confidence that eggs are not awarded according to a pre programmed distance ratio. Will Eggs Hatch If Cracked Egg© 2017