From this link you can download and install the Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0 OLE DB driver. Depending on which version of SQL Server 32bit or 64bit use, there are two. Download?rendition=THUMB720BY480&versionId=06844000003JGLJ&operationContext=CHATTER&contentId=05T44000009Th40&page=0' alt='Odbc Microsoft Odbc Sql Server Driver Dialog Failed To Obtain' title='Odbc Microsoft Odbc Sql Server Driver Dialog Failed To Obtain' />SOLUTION Visual Fox. Pro OLE DB Data Provider Problems Again. Hello Again Everyone,It seems that I closed out my previous question a bit prematurely. I thought for sure that installing 3. ODBC primer everything you need to know about ODBC on 64bit Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms. View and Download Printronix T5000 software manual online. PrintNet Enterprise Suite. T5000 Printer pdf manual download. SQL Server would solve the problem, but that doesnt look to be the case. After completely uninstalling SQL Server x. SQL Server x. 86, I got the error message attached below. At least it is a different error message. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be the problemThanks in advance. Charly. Feature is not available. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual Fox. Pro Program Location at System. Data. Ole. Db. Ole. Db. Connection. Internal. Ole. Db. Connection. String constr, Ole. Db. Connection connection at System. Data. Ole. Db. Ole. Db. Connection. Factory. Create. ConnectionDb. Connection. Options options, Object pool. Group. Provider. Info, Db. Connection. Pool pool, Db. Connection owning. Object at System. Data. Provider. Base. Db. Connection. Factory. Create. Non. Pooled. ConnectionDb. Connection owning. Connection, Db. Connection. Pool. Group pool. Group at System. Data. Provider. Base. Db. Connection. Factory. Get. ConnectionDb. Connection owning. Connection at System. Data. Provider. Base. Db. Connection. Closed. Open. ConnectionDb. Connection outer. Connection, Db. Connection. Factory connection. Factory at System. Data. Ole. Db. Ole. Db. Connection. Open at Microsoft. Sql. Server. Dts. Dts. Wizard. DTSWizard. Get. Opened. ConnectionWizard. Inputs wizard. Inputs, String conn. Entry. Name at Microsoft. Sql. Server. Dts. Dts. Wizard. Step. On. Leave. PageLeave. Page. Event. Args eSelect all. Open in new window. Got this one while trying it again. An error occurred which the SQL Server Integration Services Wizard was not prepared to handle. SQL Server Import and Export WizardExternal component has thrown an exception. Interop. MSDASC Program Location at MSDASC. Data. Links. Class. Prompt. EditObject pp. ADOConnection at Microsoft. Sql. Server. Dts. Dts. Wizard. OLEDBForm. PropertiesClickObject sender, Event. Args e at System. Windows. Forms. Control. On. ClickEvent. Args e at System. Windows. Forms. Button. On. ClickEvent. Args e at System. Windows. Forms. Button. On. Mouse. UpMouse. Event. Args mevent at System. Windows. Forms. Control. Wm. Mouse. UpMessage m, Mouse. Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin In Firefox. Buttons button, Int. System. Windows. Forms. Control. Wnd. ProcMessage m at System. Windows. Forms. Button. Base. Wnd. ProcMessage m at System. Windows. Forms. Button. Wnd. ProcMessage m at System. Windows. Forms. Control. Control. Native. Window. On. MessageMessage m at System. Windows. Forms. Control. Control. Native. Window. Wnd. ProcMessage m at System. Windows. Forms. Native. Window. CallbackInt. Ptr h. Wnd, Int. 32 msg, Int. Ptr wparam, Int. Ptr lparamSelect all. Open in new window. Odbc Microsoft Odbc Sql Server Driver Dialog Failed To Obtain© 2017