Other posts in this series. How to VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria Using INDEX and MATCH Faster Multiple Criteria Lookups with VLOOKUP and CONCATENATE. How to Use VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel 2010 from Power Excel 2010 with Mr. Excel LiveLessons httpwww. Related Excel Tips. Avoid Nested IF in Microsoft Excel Position of Last Occurrence of Symbol Combine First and Last Name Ignoring Middle Name SUMIF Multiple. And then you can enter the following long formula into your specific cell VLOOKUPA2,INDIRECT INDEXSheetlist,MATCH1, COUNTIFINDIRECT Sheetlist A2 B5,A2 0,0 A2 B5,2,FALSE, and then press Ctrl Shift Enter keys together to get the corresponding value, see screenshot 3. Then drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to apply this formula, all the relative values of each row have been returned as follows Note In the above formula A2 is the cell reference which you want to return its relative value Sheetlist is the range name of the worksheet names I have created in step. A2 B5 is the data range of the worksheets you need to search 2 indicates the column number that your matched value is returned. Demo Vlookup values from multiple worksheets with array formula. Kutools for Excel with more than 2. Excel add ins, free to try with no limitation in 6. Decorative Trim Above Exterior Windows here. Download and free trial Now Vlookup values from multiple worksheets with normal formula. If you do not want to make the range name and are not familiar with the array formula, here also has a normal formula to help you. Please type the following formula into a cell you need IFERRORVLOOKUPA2,Sheet. A2 B5,2,FALSE,IFERRORVLOOKUPA2,Sheet. A2 B5,2,FALSE,VLOOKUPA2,Sheet. A2 B5,2,FALSE and press Enter key to return the value you want, see screenshot And then drag the fill handle down to the range of cells you want to contain this formula. Notes 1. In the above formula A2 is the cell reference which you want to return its relative value Sheet. Sheet. 2, Sheet. 3 are the sheet names which include the data you want to use A2 B5 is the data range of the worksheets you need to search 2 indicates the column number that your matched value is returned. For much easier to understand this formula, in fact, the long formula is composed by several vlookup function and connect with the IFERROR function. If you have more worksheets, you just need to add the vlookup function in conjunction with the IFERROE after the formula. Recommended Productivity Tools Bring handy tabs to Excel and other Office software, just like Chrome, Firefox and new Internet Explorer. Amazing Increase your productivity in 5 minutes. Dont need any special skills, save two hours every day New Features for Excel, Make Excel Much Easy and Powerful Merge CellRowsColumns without Losing Data. Combine and Consolidate Multiple Sheets and Workbooks. Compare Ranges, Copy Multiple Ranges, Convert Text to Date, Unit and Currency Conversion. Count by Colors, Paging Subtotals, Advanced Sort and Super Filter,More SelectInsertDeleteTextFormatLinkCommentWorkbooksWorksheets Tools.