Cloud. Burst Conference SWAGElton Stoneman Azure MVP Pluralsight Author Developer Advocate Docker. Im a Pluralsight Author, Microsoft MVP and Developer Advocate at Docker, Inc. DevConf is a conference in South Africa for professional software developers focusing on the enterprise development scenarios. Learn how to build and manage powerful applications using Microsoft Azure cloud services. Get documentation, sample code, tutorials, and more. Examples Of The Windows Azure Storage Services Rest Api Design' title='Examples Of The Windows Azure Storage Services Rest Api Design' />Today were announcing the public preview of Archive Blob Storage designed to help organizations reduce their storage costs even further by storing. Learn about highperformance Premium Storage and managed disks for Azure VMs. Azure DSseries, DSv2series, GSseries, and Fsseries VMs support Premium Storage. The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. The Microsoft Azure cloud offers a lot of services for almost every scenario that you might need. You can categorize these services into cloud computing types like. UploadToStorage_thumb.png' alt='Examples Of The Windows Azure Storage Services Rest Api Design' title='Examples Of The Windows Azure Storage Services Rest Api Design' />Ive been architecting and delivering successful solutions with Microsoft technologies since 2. Big Data and API implementations in Azure, and distributed applications with Docker. Currently Im interested the evolution of the Microsoft stack, exploring the great opportunities opening up with. NET Framework apps running in Windows containers,. NET Core apps running in Linux containers, and running Docker on Azure. Im a regular speaker at events and user groups youll often see me at Docker London, London Dev. Ops and Win. Ops. In 2. 01. 7 Ive spoken at NDC London, OSCAMP, Docker. Con, SDD, Dev. Sum and NDC Oslo. Session Power Your Move to Azure with Docker. Halion Symphonic Orchestra Vst Crack Mac more. Docker isnt just for greenfield. NET Core apps running in Linux containers. You can take existing full. NET Framework apps and package them to run in Docker without changing any source code. That package is called a Docker Image, and its a portable unit that contains your whole application stack, configured and ready to run in a container. Packaging apps in Docker is a great way to make the move to Azure. You can quickly build out your components as a set of images, and run them in containers locally to verify the solution works. Then you can spin up a Docker cluster in Azure, and deploy your app using the exact same Docker artifacts that you use in dev. In this session Ill take an n tier. NET application, write some Dockerfiles to package the components as Docker images, and a Docker Compose file which describes the whole solution. Ill run the app on my laptop, and then create a Docker Swarm in Azure and deploy the app without making any changes.