Setting. In fact a lot of people get so fustrated that they give up. Well. in writing this tutorial my aim is that you can get up and compiling your games in no time. So lets. The best part about programming for the GBA is that the GBA community is sort of one nice family. A lot of people share their work and knowledge to help other newbies out. Game Boy Advance Video was a format for putting full color, fullmotion videos onto Game Boy Advance cartridges. These videos are playable using the Game Boy Advance. Xbox and PS3 game backups are not stored in roms. The content of the XBox 360 games can be copied to a iSO file that can be easily accessed using the iso format. Download Game Gba Format Gba Games' title='Download Game Gba Format Gba Games' />So when you finally get. If you dont have. GBA. Like gbadev. One person. to make a very significant contribution is Jason Wilkins. He has put together the unoffical. GBA software development kit, known simply as devkit advance. Go to this address. Download the following files to your hard drive. The Mac. OS folks will need to go to. The Linux people can get the Dev. Kit. Advance. from the same place as the windows users they will just need to download different files. The files are in the Release 4 distribution. MB. agb win core r. B. agb win gcc r. MB. agb win newlib r. MB. agb win patch r. MB download this ONLY if you use Win. Me, if you use Win. NTXP you DO NOT need it. After downloading them to your hard drive, you will need to unzip them in C or the root. This will create a directory called C devkitadv. You will need to use Win. Zip. or Win. Rar to accomplish this. If you are using Windows 9xMe here is. Jason Wilkins has to say about the devkitadv, and the last patch file for Win. This release works out of the box with Win. NT, Win. 2k, and Win. XP, but you will have to. Win. 9x and Win. Me. This is because of. Virtual Memory Exhausted error. The fix causes some projects, those that use C. People using Win. Win. Me are stuck with this problem, but I am not going to punish. Win. 9xMe users will have to download agb win patch r. After unzipping the files, the next step is to add C devkitadvbin to your PATH. This can be accomplished in a. I will explain how to do this in Windows 2. XP, then we will all do it the DOS way which also works. Windows 2. 00. 0XP. In Windows 2. 00. XP right click my computer, goto properties. Click the advanced tab, and then. In the system variables scroll down to path, and then click edit. Make sure it ends with a semi colon, then add C devkitadvbin. Now the DOS way Windows 2. XP users continue to follow along, So open up notepad, and type in only TWO of. The portions are comments do. NOT type them into your file. PATHc devkitadvbin PATH. NTXP users. command win 9xMe users. Now, in notepad click Save As, change the save as type to All Files. I am going to say that last part twice. Save As menu change the save as type to All Files. Finally type. in the filename filename C devkitadvstart. Now browse to this C devkitadv folder using windows explorer, and double click on the startup. DOS prompt. window will show up. Now type exit and press enter to close the command prompt window. You can compile your programs from here, and use the other gcc tools since the path is setup for this window. Note that if you are bone headed and decided to install the devkitadv to a different directory. GCCEXECPREFIX environment variable using the following line. GCCEXECPREFIXc devkitadvlibgcc lib where Where c devkitadv is the installation directory. Use forward slashes. The trailing slash is required. PLEASE NOTE most users do not have to do this. Only do this if you. Making our first ROM. That should be it for setting up the devkitadv, so let us make our first program or Rom, but. We need something to view it. I assume that since you want to program. If so you might want to. Success HK. com or. They allow you to put your own. The other. option is an emulator. This is not really an option, since anyone who programs knows. So the best thing to do is to get an emulator. This way you can test your program. The best emulator out there is. Visual. Boy. Advance at http vba. Go to the download. Now onto making the first rom, first of all we need to make a directory for storing your files. I store my code in a directory called C prog. You can. store yours anywhere you want, but if you would like to follow the path of least. My Computer or open windows explorer. C drive. On the right hand side you should see folder icons for program files. Click file, new folder and type in the name prog. Now. go into this folder. Make a directory inside this one called hello by following. Go inside of the hello folder. Now serparately open up notepad. Or just copy and paste. Gameboy Advance Tutorial Loirak Development. RGB1. 6r,g,b rglt lt 5blt lt 1. Screen unsigned short0x. Screenxy. 40 RGB1. HI on the background. Screenxy. 40 RGB1. Screenx4. 0. 40 RGB1. Now in notepad, click save as, then make sure to go into the proghello directory, change. All files, and type in the file name hello. Now in notepad, click file then new to make a new file, paste or type the following. C devkitadvbin path. O binary hello. elf hello. In notepad, click save as, then make sure you are in the proghello directory, change. All files, and type in the file name make. Close notepad, then using windows explorer, or my computer to navigate to that directory. Assuming no errors were reported. Your folder should now. An elf file, and hello. Now open your recently downloaded copy of Visual. Boy. Advance, and open hello. HI written on it. See pictures below. Your first Game, ROM, whatever you want. You should be proud of yourself. You have successfully downloaded the. If you dont know C Programming the following explanations about the hello program. GBA system maybe a bit hard to follow. We have here a short tutorial on. C programming basics at www. If you already program in C, more power to you, and just continue reading. This might be information you already know, but lets talk about the GBA. The Gameboy. Advance has a 3. ARM7. TDMI processor running at a blazing 1. Mhz. The GBA is roughly. SNES, and perhaps a bit better. The GBA has six different graphics modes. It has 9. 6k of video memory which. Ge. Force 4 with 1. Mb. But my Ge. Force 4 is bigger than. Gameboy, and has to have its own fan. The GBA also has 2. K external ram. Commerical. Mbit 4. MB or 6. Mbit 8. MB. Now lets talk more about the graphics modes. The first three modes 0,1,2 are tile modes. Basically. the graphics are organized into 8x. GBA to be drawn. Tile. So this tutorial isnt going to cover. If you want to learn more about tile modes visit The Pern Project. The next three modes are bitmap modes. The below table describes the three modes.