NIECONNREFUSED Connect to message server sap3. Mark this reply as the best answerChoose carefully, this cant be changedError at installation FAIL NIECONNREFUSED Connection refused, Ni. Raw. Connect failed in pluginfopen The 1st issue. IBM services have many port entries in etcservices. In fact there is a section that basically invalidates all sap ports we, the SAP techies, have been using for years. Did oracle purchased IBM, by any chanceHelp for all Office apps. Set up your Office 365 subscription. Find howto articles and video tutorials. Contact our Answer Techs for assisted support. So, we had to comment out IBM ports 3. SID 3. 60. 0tcp 3 We removed all installation files found in tmp, also whatever was in usrsap, like sapservices, lt SID, etc. Killed all sap processes. The 2nd same error issue happened about 6 months after when Oracle ACFS were introduced to the picture. As we were progressing in the installation, eventually the server rebooted with no other explanation than the main error we are referring to in this thread. FAIL NIECONNREFUSED Connection refused, Ni. Raw. Connect failed in pluginfopen Even though we applied the solution from issue 1, we still got the same error, over and over. The solution was to umount the ACFS and install on a large JSF2 filesystem. We were able to complete the installation, we stop the sap instances, tared the files usrsaplt SID and sapmnt, moved the or renamed them to something else, mount back the ACFS filesystems and untar the files so that now usrsaplt SID and sapmnt were on ACFS. The SAP DBA Cockpit for Microsoft SQL Server SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK sdn. BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY bpx. SAP AG 3. Following are some important definitions to know before you read this guide. In SAP HANA large instances overview and architecture on Azure we introduced two. Loading DocCommentXchange. Loading DocCommentXchange. We finally started the SAP system and now SAP is successfully running on oracle ACFS with the additional HA clusterware component in place. Id4. 69. 69. 60. I would like to contribute with 2 ways in which we were affected by the same error and how we resolved it. We are on AIX7 ORA Error at installation FAIL NIECONNREFUSED Connection refused, Ni. Raw. Connect failed in pluginfopen The 1st issue. IBM services have many port entries in etcservices. In fact there is a section that basically invalidates all sap ports we, the SAP techies, have been using for years. Did oracle purchased IBM, by any chance So, we had to comment out IBM ports 3. SID 3. 60. 0tcp 3 We removed all installation files found in tmp, also whatever was in usrsap, like sapservices, lt SID, etc. Killed all sap processes. The 2nd same error issue happened about 6 months after when Oracle ACFS were introduced to the picture. As we were progressing in the installation, eventually the server rebooted with no other explanation than the main error we are referring to in this thread. FAIL NIECONNREFUSED Connection refused, Ni. Raw. Connect failed in pluginfopen Even though we applied the solution from issue 1, we still got the same error, over and over. The solution was to umount the ACFS and install on a large JSF2 filesystem. We were able to complete the installation, we stop the sap instances, tared the files usrsaplt SID and sapmnt, moved the or renamed them to something else, mount back the ACFS filesystems and untar the files so that now usrsaplt SID and sapmnt were on ACFS. We finally started the SAP system and now SAP is successfully running on oracle ACFS with the additional HA clusterware component in place.