All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals

All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals

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The problem with that equity vs. NOTE November 1, 2. This post has been updated based on the new things Ive learned about these images since posting the original article. I was doing some work for a colleague at the Family Leadership Design Collaborative, and she gave me a challenge redesign the equity vs. Youve probably come across a version of this graphic yourself. E3%81%93%E3%81%A8-just-a-baby-bison-follow-9gag-9gagmobile-9gag-babyanimal-11941821.png' alt='All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' title='All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' />There are a bunch of iterations, but basically it shows three people trying to watch a baseball game over the top of a fence. The people are different heights, so the shorter ones have a harder time seeing. Ive included the original image above, by Craig Froehle. In the first of two images, all three people have one crate to stand on. In other words, there is equality, because everyone has the same number of crates. While this is helpful for the middle height person, it is not enough for the shortest and superfluous for the tallest. In contrast, in the second image there is equity each person has the number of crates they need to fully enjoy the game. The distinction between equity and equality is an important one. For example, if were talking about school funding, advocating for equality would mean ensuring that all schools had the same amount of resources per pupil an improvement in most cases, to be sure. On the other hand, advocating for equity would mean recognizing that some schools like those serving students in low income Communities of Color  will actually need more resources funding, experienced teachers, relevant curriculum, etc. The problem with the graphic has to do with where the initial inequity is located. In the graphic, some people need more support to see over the fence because they are shorter, an issue inherent to the people themselves. Thats fine if were talking about height, but if this is supposed to be a metaphor for other inequities, it becomes problematic. For instance, if we return to the school funding example, this image implies that students in low income Communities of Color and other marginalized communities need more resources in their schools because they are inherently less academically capable. They or their families, or their communities are metaphorically shorter and need more support. But that is not why the so called achievement gap exists. As many have argued, it should actually be termed the opportunity gap because the problem is not in the abilities of students, but in the disparate opportunities they are afforded. It is rooted in a history of oppression, from colonization and slavery to separate but equal and redlining. It is sustained by systemic racism and the countrys ever growing economic inequality. This metaphor is actually a great example of deficit thinking  an ideology that blames victims of oppression for their own situation. As with this image, deficit thinking makes systemic forms of racism and oppression invisible. Other images, like the one of  different animals having to climb a tree, or of people picking fruit, suffer from the same problem. How would we make these root causes more visible in our equity vs. Well, if we began with the metaphor of the fence, this would require making clear that the reason some people have more difficulty seeing than others is not because of their height, but because of the context around them. Below is a sketch of this idea. In this image, some people are standing on lower ground a metaphor for historical oppression and are trying to see over a higher fence, a metaphor for present day systems of oppression. Home Adam smith capital asset depreciation durable economics s nonrenewable resource physical capital production service stock. I also put a hole in the fence, made by the person on the right, to symbolize the creative and often subversive ways that people find to work around systems and get some of what they need. However, I still dont love this new version, because nothing is being done here to address the real problem the fence. So I drew this third image for fun. Though by this point its losing a lot of the original images nice simplicity. If you want to play around with this metaphor yourself, check out the 4th Box toolkit. Recently, the people at the Center for Story Based Strategy and the Interaction Institute for Social Change worked with artist Angus Maguire to recreate the fence image, producing the beautiful version to the right. It went viral, and they noticed a lot of people remixing the image to expand on the concepts. So they collaborated with Maguire again to create an adaptable visual toolbox, which makes it easy to create your own image in the 4th box as shown below. Theyve been using it to inspire both in person and online dialogues. I still see a lot of drawbacks to the core metaphor, however, so Ive been on the lookout for others. One Ive heard, which I think works better, references runners on a racetrack. All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' title='All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' />On an oval track, the outer lanes are actually longer than the inner lanes. If everyone started at the same place, some would have to run farther than others. So, naturally, we start runners at different places along the track. All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' title='All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals' />Heres a mock up of this metaphor, though it assumes that you already know about the different lengths of each lane Beyond this, I havent had any major breakthroughs, and the idea of life as a race isnt very appealing to me. Fortunately, I was not the only one trying to figure this out. Meyer Memorial Trust and Northwest Health Foundation had similar concerns, so they launched the Equity Illustrated contest, asking Oregonian artists to take up the challenge. First place winner Salom Chimuku rejected the simple metaphoric approach all together, noting that equity isnt about watching baseball. Instead she offers a series of cartoon portraits of friends, with quotes from each illustrating a different aspect of equity. The result has the quality of a conversation. Heres a sample. You can download the whole pdf HERE. The third place illustration, from Matt Kinshella, is also pretty great. Free Xbox Live Gold Trial Memberships there. It keeps the simplicity of the fence image, but puts aside the baseball metaphor for a more concrete example one close to my heart as someone invested in community work. It may seem that I am reading too much into these images. Certainly they were all created with the best of intentions. But metaphors are important. They help us understand new ideas by referencing things we already know. Forever Alone is an exploitable rage comic character that is used to express loneliness and disappointment with life. The face has also been used as an advice animal. At the same time, they shape our experience, opening us up to some ideas while closing us off to others. The mental shorthand we use to understand equity will affect how we go about fighting for it. In the spirit of keeping the conversation going, Ill end with this image from Sam Killermann, which I find pretty amusing, and which you can buy in poster or t shirt form.

All The 9Gag Memes Png Images Animals
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